Friday, February 25, 2011

Google holding workshops in Dubai

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Google will be having workshop sessions in Dubai on March 21st.
The sessions are aimed at IT professionals & webmasters (Morning sessions) and marketeers & small businesses (Afternoon sessions).
If you live in UAE and wish to attend you can register on their website here
Places are very limited so register as early as possible to guarantee a spot.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Internet Survival Guide for Revolting Egyptians

With all communications and the Internet susceptible  to being cut off again any day it is important to have a few alternative ways of communicating with your friends or family.

I will post several websites or tools that can be used to access the internet or with information on how to access the internet and keep yourself protected online.

First and probably most useful, Google's Crisis Response website for Egypt:

The site has information ranging from phone numbers for accessing internet from dial-up modems to maps with hospital locations and demonstration locations to the numbers of several important government agencies.

TOR secure web browsing:
TOR can be used to bypass proxies and access website that have been blocked (eg: Twitter, Facebook...etc)
The TOR Browser Bundle launches a portable copy of Firefox with TOR embedded within it. It access websites that might not be accessible due to a proxy server or a restriction from the ISP. It also browses the web securely so as to protect your identity from any one trying to monitor your connection.

Overcoming a DNS service blockage: (thanks to @m_alzantot)
  • Use open DNS servers or
  • Use proxy servers like Ultra-surf, JAP or Hotspot 
  • Surf the web through proxy sites like Anonymouse
Using Dial-up Modem: (thanks to @m_alzantot)
  • Dial "Noor Group" 0777 7770, 0777 7000 ISP which was still working during the internet cut off in Egypt.
  • Connect to a global dial-up service like Budget dial-up
  • There are other numbers that can be dialed on Google's CR page posted above
If you know any other methods or techniques please share.